imagine design develop

imagine your finished product, your problems fixed, your happy customers

we Design your product with innovative technologies and latest generation materials

Develop your idea by creating a functional prototype

Design you dream
Our team develops effective solutions for machines and products in different sectors:
- precision agriculture
- robotics
- aeronautics
- automotive
- logistics
- landscaping
research and development
We collaborate with local companies and with a plurality of institutional actors competent in the field of innovation such as:
- University of Trento
- Trentino Technological District
- CEii (European Center of Business and Innovation of Trentino)
- FEM – Edmund Mach Foundation
- IRSS (Regional Institute of Studies and Social Research)
- Trentino Sviluppo

Your result is our goal
Our experience will be the tool to get to the result.
We provide services of:
- technical consultancy
- computer science and logic networks
- interactive web design
- 3D scan
- detection with multispectrum drone
- rapid prototyping
- patent assistance
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- Atomizzatore adattivoNuova collaborazione con La Fondazione Mach e diverse aziende sul territorio nazionale per sviluppare un nuovo concetto di atomizzatore che si adatta alle superfici da irrorare. Lutilizzo di sensori e attuatori idraulici… Leggi tutto »Atomizzatore adattivo


SILVANA ANGELI – Graphic Design